
5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Laptop Battery

It’s no secret that laptops are one of the most popular electronics on the market. They’re versatile, powerful and portable, making them the perfect device for students, professionals and casual users alike. However, like all electronics, laptops can experience wear and tear over time, and one of the most common issues is a dying battery. If you’ve noticed that your laptop isn’t holding a charge like it used to, it might be time to replace the battery. Here are five signs that it’s time for a new one:

Your Laptop Is No Longer Holding a Charge

If you notice that your laptop only lasts for a couple of hours on a full charge, it’s probably time for a new battery. Laptop batteries typically last for around 500 charges, so if you’ve had your laptop for a few years, it’s likely that the battery is on its last legs.

Your Laptop Takes Longer To Charge

Another sign that your battery is nearing the end of its life is if it takes longer to charge than it used to. If you notice that it takes several hours to get a full charge, it’s a good idea to replace the battery.

Your Laptop Doesn’t Work As Well on Battery Power

If you find that your laptop isn’t performing as well on battery power as it used to, it could be a sign that the battery is losing its capacity. You might notice that the laptop runs slower or the screen dims more quickly when running on battery power.

The Battery Bulges or Leaks

If you noticed that the battery in your laptop is starting to bulge or leak, it’s definitely time to replace it. A bulging battery can cause all sorts of problems, including short circuits, fires and explosions.

You Can’t Find A Replacement Battery

If you’ve tried to find a replacement battery for your laptop and can’t seem to find one, it might be time to buy a new laptop. While you can usually find replacement batteries for most laptops, there are some models that are no longer manufactured.

If you’re experiencing any of these problems with your laptop battery, it’s probably time to replace it. While batteries don’t last forever, you can extend their life by charging them regularly and keeping them cool.


If you’ve noticed that your laptop isn’t holding a charge like it used to, or if it takes longer to charge, it might be time to replace the battery. Laptop batteries typically last for around 500 charges, so if you’ve had your laptop for a few years, it’s likely that the battery is on its last legs. If you’re experiencing any of the other signs listed in the article, it’s definitely time for a new battery. Thanks for reading!


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